Friday, November 7, 2008

Proposition 8

This is Donny. I will probably get some bad responses for this, but I have to get this off of my chest.

I don't particularly believe that homosexuality is right.

Another thing I don't agree with is our Church meddling in state affairs and thousands of members donating millions of dollars to state affairs. It makes me a little uncomfortable to realize this.

If our church lost it's Tax-Exempt status, it wouldn't hurt us at all. I believe the member's donation was misguided and this is shedding an awful light on our church, which already faces enough bad press without this addition.

I don't agree with the decision to support this initiative to the fullest, and I apoligize to anyone who takes my words as blasphemous or insulting.


Corrine said...

donnie- you have the right to feel as you feel and to speak what you feel... no-one should knock you down for that!!
but you might want to read this before judging the church and their stance on sacredness of the family.

Corrine said...

ok maybe judge was to wrong word, you are allowed to have an opinion.

The Hathorns said...

Kris/Corrine: I understand the values of the Church and am in line with them 100%, but it makes me uneasy that part of the campaign's success was because of member donations. Not just a little donation funds, either, but a rather considerable amount. I just don't think our members should've been advised to donate and do all they can to help it pass, because the public is now aware of the money donated by the LDS members, and look at the consequences. LDS members are in danger, as well as buildings, temples, and much more. Outraged opponents even hijacked a car and ran over a police officer! Members now have to stand guard watch duty at buildings and stake centers to prevent the buildings from being vandalized. All I'm saying is that whoever told members to donate money and all MUST have had some idea that this could and most likely would happen, with the rioting and bad publicity and all. Lastly, I want to point out that while this gives me an uneasy feeling of possible violence and persecution of church members, I know everything about this situation will work itself out. It will most likely die down and be as it was, but who knows how long that might take?

My faith is in no way questioned or shaken by this. I know that while the reasons are unknown to me for such events, through prayer I will gain an understanding of members motivations and come to know this as the right thing.


Corrine said...

amen! :)
Please dont think i am arguing with you at all. I kinda feel the same, but I feel that if the Prophet was behind it, it was divine.
unfortunately, I think a lot of people think we are wanting to take away rights from gays, when all we are trying to do is save the definition of what a marriage is.

It sad with what is going on and who is in danger, but it is a sign of the times. When I hear, see, or read what it going on I think of the Nephites who had the same issues and how much the church was ridiculed/ persecuted then, and what the Nephites went through to uphold the values. It is kinda crazy to think we are going through the same kind of wars they went through... Does any of that make sense? If not disregard. :)