Saturday, December 27, 2008

Do the Japanese translation where you yourself are strange!

Step 1:

Open internet browser and go to

Step 2:

Enter a phrase or quote of your choosing into the "Translate" box.

Example: (English in the "Translate" box)

That is one small step for man, and one giant leap for mankind.

Step 3:

Open the menu below to choose a "Translate to-and-from" language.

Step 4:

Pick "English to Japanese".

Step 5:

Press "Translate".

Step 6:

If done correctly, your English should now be translated to characters of Japanese in a thin box above the place you entered your original phrase or quote. Highlight the text and copy/paste into the "Translate" field over your original phrase or quote.

Example: (Translated and copied over)


Step 7:

Open the menu below to choose a "Translate to-and-from" language.

Step 8:

Pick "Japanese to English".

Step 9:

Press "Translate".

Step 10:

If done correctly, your Japanese should now be translated to Engrish in a thin box above the place you entered your translated phrase or quote. So, laugh and rejoice.

Example: (Translated to Engrish)

That is big leap of 1 for step and the mankind whose one for the person is small.

Merry Christmas,

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