What a week.
So much food, such a short period of time. Sandra and I ate Thanksgiving meals 3 times. 3 TIMES! We ate at our friend Cassie's place first, for lunch. She had a bit of a get-together in Denver, so Sandra, Maddie, and I went down. Cass, Sandra, Chris, myself, and Cass' new room-mate Melinda and her beau Jason ate lunch then played Cranium for a few hours. Then Sandra, Chris, and I drove back north to my folks place in Windsor, CO, and ate dinner, after which, Chris and I proceeded to build an Igloo.
Seriously, people. An Igloo. I'm working on getting pics of it up. I'll post one up If I can.
After the Igloo, we went home, woke up Friday, drove out to Winter Park (!!!!!) and ate a FEAST with 13 old high school friends on a Thanksgiving retreat to go snowboarding.
I shall post Igloo pics ASAP.